Office Coffee Drinks Volume - Why Is It Important?

Posted by Paula Poots on

Office Coffee Drinks Volume - Why Is It Important?

Drinks Volume

One of the first things that we do with a new customer is try and establish an estimated drinks volume. This is not because we are trying to get rich quick! Understanding drinks volume is absolutely fundamental to finding the right coffee and tea machine for you.

Bravilor Esprecious Bean To Cup Machine

Why is Drinks Volume Important?

  • Drinks Volume affects the cost of each coffee cup. An expensive office coffee machine making few drinks can be an unnecessary expense. 
  • Drinks Volume affects System Selection. Some coffee machines handle high drinks volumes better than others. Coffee pod machines cope better with intermittent demand. We need to understand the workload and usage patterns on your equipment.

How can You Calculate Drinks Volume?

  • The easiest way to establish drinks volume is through equipment readings on your existing machine. We will be happy to help you do this.
  • Where drinks volumes are not available, a good baseline estimate is 1.5-2 drinks per person, per working day. So, a 30-person office might go through 1.75 x 5 x 52 = 13650 drinks per annum.

What Factors affect Drinks Volume?

  • People - the audience for your machine is one of the biggest factors in affecting drink volume. If you have a large number of guests you'll need to consider this over and above your estimated drinks volume based on staff numbers.
  • Drinks Quality & Choice - a broad menu of delicious beverages will be more popular with your audience.
  • Payment Solutions - Unsurprisingly, free coffee moves faster than paid-for coffee! Adding a payment solution will reduce Drinks Volume and is a popular way to manage costs, but you do need to consider whether this conflicts with your business reason for offering hot drinks in the first place.

As you can see Drinks Volume is an important consideration in finding the right coffee machine for you. If you would like to read more about True Cup Cost click here.

For advice and recommendations on the best coffee machine for your office contact Office Barista or check out our best deals on professional coffee machines. 

If you already have an idea of what you are looking for, you may want to take a closer look at our Flavia coffee machines or Lavazza Coffee & Bravilor bean to cup coffee machine ranges.

Cup of coffee made from a bean to cup coffee machine


**Don't forget your takeaway cups at checkout!